Friday, April 6, 2012

Small things in life

So lately I have been watching the news. The stories have been so depressing lately. The Susan Cox story hits close to home not only because it happened here, but the little boys that were murdered were close to my nephews age. I don't want to go into the politics of the story and point fingers at police or social services. I just cannot imagine what Susans family is going through. I hear her Dad talk and the man is utterly heart broken. Not only to loose a daughter but two sons all at the hands of Josh. This story just infuriantes me and I just hope that one day the family will have closure. Life is so precious.
Another topic that got to me. A story about an Autistic/Bipolar kid was shot and killed by police this week. And the police really did everything they were suppose to. The kid had gotten into his Dads gun case found a gun (not sure if it was already loaded or he loaded it) and walked around pointing the gun at people and then at police. The mom was on the phone with 911 when she heard the gun shots. Her sadness was coming through on the 911 call and I cannot imagine what was going through her mind. Her husband was arrested like a week ago then her son is shot and killed. And I know the police had to do what they did. But it is still sad to me. This little boy had issues. And didn't really understand to the capicity of what he was doing. I feel bad for the family and the police officers involved. I am sure it is never pleasant to have to shoot and kill someone, let alone a kid. They have to protect themselves however. It is just an all around crappy situation.
These stories just have shown me how really short and precious life is. You may keep yourself happy and healthy, but the actions of others may affect that. Someone chooses to end your life. You are never promised a tomorrow. Live life people!!! Stop and smell the roses before your buried with them. Solve fights quickly. Don't let your last words to someone be something you regret. Forgive and live. You can forgive people and forget them. Just enjoy life.